I wanted to start a regular case study post here on The Social Media Butterfly, where I analyze a companies social media efforts. However, today I was the one who was schooled! I was presented with a link to this wonderful success story of how a Nordstrom sales person works magic with his Twitter account.
So, I thought I’d better share this link and information as soon as possible!
The gist is that a salesman at Nordstrom uses a Twitter account to keep his customers informed. He posts images of clothes that he likes, new arrivals, and general fashion thoughts. Customers want to come into the store to interact with him! It’s what social media is all about!
The blog is written by David Meerman Scott, and it’s called Web Ink Now. Here’s the link directly to the “Nordstrom Does Twitter Right” post. Thanks, David, for presenting your case study and giving me more ammunition with which to fight the social media battles I face. 🙂